Thursday, March 5, 2009

Shingles and Foam

I had originally planned on a galvanized metal roof, but I've decided to go with steel siding, and the metal roof would be too much. So, shingles it is.

Tuesday, I unloaded 100 4ft.x8ft.x3" thick EPS foam sheets into the house. These will eventually cover the entire exterior of the house, providing additional insulation and a thermal break.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Upon Closer Inspection

Lately, I've been getting down on myself and my framers for how long it's taking to finish the house. Everyday on my way to work, I see houses under construction moving much faster than mine. These houses will look great when they're complete. They are being constructed and marketed by companies with the words 'eco' and 'green' in their titles. But, they use cheap materials, bad details, and will be energy hogs. The things I'm demanding from my framers lead them to believe I'm crazy. Maybe I am.

A great amount of effort has gone into detailing this to be the most energy efficient house possible, and hopefully one day soon it will pay off. Literally!